Ron Carter

RonCarter PowerPoint presentation How cool is the string bass?  How cool would it be to play the string bass?  This PowerPoint will show you a few folks who play it and they look like they are having fun! How is the string bass tuned? Is it tuned the same as an an electric bass? Continue reading Ron Carter

62. Vanilla Pound Cake

Bronwyn and Alexis are at Senior High BandCamp at Arkansas Tech University for the week. They trusted me to make this cake all alone. It was fun to make and I had all the ingredients on hand. The crust was nice and a bit crunchy and the inside had a moist and gentle crumb. I will encourage the girls to make this for our next get-together. My grandfather made a similar pound cake. The aroma of the kitchen as it baked took me back to rural Alabama and the nurturing love of family. Yum. Tuesdays with Dorie has many other … Continue reading 62. Vanilla Pound Cake

Missed the Boat

Here are the recipes we had to skip due to school work. February 11, 2014- Onion Bialys, pages 90-92 February 18, 2014- Chocolate Mascarpone Cheesecake, pages 256-258 March 4, 2014- Buttermilk Scones, pages 210-211 March 18, 2014- Mocha Brownie Cake, pages 282-283 April 1, 2014- Potato Lefse, pages 165-166 April 15, 2014- Cantuccini, pages 313-314 April 29, 2014- Rewind! May 6, 2014- Scallop and Pesto Purses, page 435 May 20, 2014- Tropical Napoleons, pages 393-394 June 3, 2014- Savory Wheat Crackers, pages 163-164 Continue reading Missed the Boat

49. Country Bread

Wow! What a big hunk of bread! The sponge was easy to make. Left it to work overnight. The next day I had the house to myself, so enjoyed the baking/mom/peaceful thing. I am trying to learn this patience thing. I have to remind myself I am not really “waiting.” The bread is working/rising and I am empowered to do other things in the meanwhile. Don’t hover! I reorganized a few cabinets during the process, thus reducing my steps and reaching while I am cooking. This gives me more time to hover. STOP THAT, ME! I am a college professor … Continue reading 49. Country Bread